PSC hypocrisy on maps of Israel/Palestine
One state. Logo of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (UK).
The website of the UK-based Palestine Solidarity Campaign is boasting of its victory in getting an Israeli tourism advertisement to drop its map — a map which did not sufficiently demarcate the 1949 armistice line (the Green line). The PSC statement hailing the victory is here.
Now - look carefully at the upper left corner of that page. We’re reproducing the image here as well.
Do you see two states? A green line? Or do you see the very same map that the PSC denounced because it didn’t recognise the existence of Palestine. (In this case, the country it’s not recognising is Israel.)
What blatant hypocrisy!
According to the PSC website, 19 unions are affiliated to the campaign.
If you belong to one of them, you might want to ask why your union is backing an organisation like this. Here’s the list of affiliated unions:
- ASLEF - Train Drivers Union
- BFAWU - Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union
- BECTU - Broadcasting Entertainment Cinematography and Theatre Union
- Connect - Union for Professionals in Communications
- CWU - Communication Workers Union
- FBU - Fire Brigades Union
- GMB - Britain’s General union
- NUM - National Union of Miners
- NUT - National Union of Teachers
- PCS - Public and Commercial Services Union
- RMT - Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers Union
- TSSA - Transport Salaried Staffs Association
- UCATT - Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians
- UCU - University and College Union