Spain: 5 key union federations back Israel boycott campaign and Palestinian ‘right of return’

According to this report, last month five key Spanish trade unions in the Galicia region publicly embraced the campaign of boycotts, divestments and sanctions (BDS) targetting Israel.  The unions named are UGT – Unión General de Trabajadores,
CCOO – Comisións Obreiras de Galicia,  CIG – Confederación Intersindical Galega, CNT – Central Nacional de Traballadores, and
CUT – Confederación Unitaria de Traballadores.  Of these, the CC.OO and UGT are affiliates of the International Trade Union Confederation.

Though the statement makes no specific reference to a boycott of the Israeli national trade union centre (the Histadrut), it does embrace the extremist call to recognize “the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties” — which, if it includes all 1948 refugees and their descendants (as the extremists interpret it) is in effect a call for the end of the Jewish state.