UK: Holocaust denial seen as legitimate by 20% of PSC activists

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign held is annual general meeting this weekend.  Journalists were not allowed to attend (I asked), and the first session was a closed one to debate the appeal by a former national chair of the organisation over his expulsion.  What was he expelled for?  Holocaust denial.  One would think this is a no-brainer: not only is Holocaust denial morally outrageous, but it cannot help the credibility of the PSC to have overt pro-Nazis in its leadership.

And yet some 20% of the delegates voted to allow Francis Clark-Lowes to remain in the organisation.

As one commentator wrote afterwards,

When 20% of your organisation won’t vote to expel a man who denied the Holocaust to their faces, you don’t have much credibility claiming that such denial “has no place” in your movement.

There’s full coverage on Harry’s Place, on Anthony Cooper’s blog, and on the blog of PSC activist Tony Greenstein.

The PSC’s chairman is trade union leader Hugh Lanning, and all of Britain’s largest unions are formally affiliated to — and fund — the organisation.